Here at Kid Wraps, we have been honored to wrap a handful of cranial bands, but we also have expanded our services beyond that to help other awesome kids! Some of the different things we can make/wrap for KIDS include:
Ready to submit your request for a Kid Wrap?
Step 1: Learn More about Monarch and Follow Kid Wraps
- Checkout the Monarch Media Designs Website at
- Like Our Facebook Pages in support of Monarch and the Kid Wraps Program
- Like our Monarch Media Designs Page Here:
- Like our KidWraps Page Here:
Step 2: Fill Out the Form Below
Fill out the Form Below. Phone calls orders cannot be accepted without receipt of the Request Form. Once we receive your application, you will be contacted by a Monarch representative via email to inform you of the details and the next available installation appointment.
Step 3: Send us More information if necessary
Because each Kid Wraps project is unique, we may require more information. Sizes, images, or even for you stop by to talk about your project. We will contact you after you fill out the form below and let you know if there is anything else we need.
Step 4: Setup Your Installation Date
After we receive your information and get a clear idea of what you need, we will setup an installation date (if applicable).
Kid Wrap Request Form: